Heat a small amount of water until boiling point. You will only need 2 tablespoons of it.
* 2 tbsp of NESCAFÉ GOLD
* 1 tbsp of white sugar
* 1 tbsp of brown sugar
* 2 tbsp of boiling water
The success of your coffee is in how you mix it. Be prepared to mix for 5-10 mins at a fast pace. Alternate between circular, zig zag, and side to side motions. It should be fluffy and stable when ready.
Once fluffy, golden, and stable, set aside.
Quickly put some ice up to 2/3 of your glass. Pour in NESTLÉ Fresh Milk but leave enough room for your candied coffee cloud.
Want to have more fun with it? Here are a few recommendations:
- Put crushed KitKat on top
- Add some honey for a bit more balance and a more complex sweetness
- Sprinkle with cinnamon for some holiday cheer. Chocolate or salted caramel syrups work as well.