Single origin coffee simply means coffee that has come from one country and region. When green (pre-roasted) coffee is imported, it will always be packaged and delivered as single origin. However, the single origin label is not an indicator of quality. Despite this, it should theoretically mean that you are tasting the characteristics unique to that specific region. The origin of the coffee bean matters because soil type, climate, production and processing methods all influence the final flavour, from the aroma to the aftertaste.
‘Single country’ means the beans are sourced from the same country. These are labelled such as Honduran, Colombian, or Peruvian beans. Think of a large country such as Brazil, with its different microclimates, it’s expected that there will be indisputable differences between the coffee beans that are harvested in the northern regions and those in the south. ‘Single origin’ might mean a single coffee region, or a single farm within that region. It can also sometimes refer to a patch of cropland, or from a particular area within a specific farm.
A ‘single origin’ is a rough measure that could be as broad as a country, or a specific smallholder manufacturer. A single cropland refers to a particular batch of coffee that could be defined by its time of picking, or the area that it grew on the farm. At the most specific end is where microlots and nanolots come into play. These terms are loosely defined and interchangeable, but they usually refer to smaller lots that are separately grown and processed with extra care to achieve a smaller amount of a high-quality, individual coffee type.
The term ‘single origin’ coffee exists because the majority of coffees are a blend of multiple coffee types. Most roasters will purchase their coffee from different origins and proceed to blend and roast them together, which creates a more consistent taste, flavour profile and mouthfeel.
Again, this is down to personal taste. Countries that have historically imported coffee, like Belize and Cambodia for example, are both within the coffee sphere but are not coffee leaders by any means. Those which produce Arabica beans are often more favourable. The Arabica coffee bean grows at higher altitudes than Robusta coffee beans, and only under certain conditions. Countries such as Ethiopia, Guatemala, and Mexico have more mountain ranges and export a large amount of Arabica beans. Single origin coffee is unique and will make any coffee special. Discovering the right one for you will be sure to give you a coffee experience like no other.
Now that you know what single origin coffee is, learn more about different coffee types next.
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