When coffee beans are dried naturally, they give fruitier flavours due to the fermentation of natural sugars. A washed process removes all the fruity sugars leaving a pure, stronger coffee flavour.
There are four common types of coffee roasts, all with their own unique flavours and notes which are brought out at different stages of the roasting process.
1. Light roast coffee
Light roast coffee is also known as the ‘first crack’ due to the fact that the beans are at the first stage of expanding and cracking. This type of coffee roast is when the beans reach an internal temperature of between 180°c - 205°c and are very light in colour and dry with absolutely no oil present on the surface. The flavour profile will be quite acidic but you can also expect fruity notes and a more aromatic experience too.
Like your coffee lightly roasted? Try our NESCAFÉ® GOLD BLENDRoastery Collection Light Roast. Sweet with notes of rich caramelised honey and toasted biscuit, our master roasters combine 50 years of craft and smart roasting technology to create this unforgettable blend.