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Reducing Our Greenhouse Gas Emissions

A Better Tomorrow Starts Together

3 mins read
To help reduce NESCAFÉ®’S greenhouse gas emissions, it takes a collective effort and more than a few people to try and achieve it. At NESCAFÉ®, we have a team of dedicated analysts who study our environmental impact and created a plan to help reduce it. When analyzing our carbon footprint, NESCAFÉ® looks at everything from transportation, manufacturing, packaging, shipping and even what happens after consumption. We are creating programs to reduce our impact at every step. For example, since 2010, we have already reduced our greenhouse gas emission in our soluble coffee factories in Europe by 49.6%. This is a good step forward but there's still a lot more to do. At NESCAFÉ, we believe that together we can do more to reduce our environmental impact.
greenhouse gas emissions

Fueling the power of nature

Healthy soil and forests are among the most effective means of reducing carbon in the Earth's atmosphere. To address the extensive NESCAFÉ® supply chain, which includes thousands of farms and transportation networks, our goal is to safeguard both soil and forests in order to bring long-term sustainable change.
protect soil and forests


The world’s forests absorb approximately 2.6 billion tons of carbon dioxide a year, or about a third of all the CO2 released from burning fossil fuels. Forests also provide nutrition, shelter, energy, medicine, and livelihoods to around 1.6 billion people*. Unfortunately, as global populations and demand for food grows, forests are at risk of being converted into farmland. NESCAFÉ® is working towards 100% deforestation-free supply chain for coffee by 2025, and by 2026 intends to plant 20 million native trees to help increase biodiversity, and to promote soil formation and soil health. It’s a big job but not nearly as big as what forests do for the planet.

*[ add link to the CSV report 2021 p.25 ]

planting a tree

By 2025, NESCAFÉ® aims to globally achieve 100% deforestation-free coffee and by 2026 intends to plant 20 million native trees to help increase biodiversity, and to promote soil formation and soil health.

deforestation-free coffee

Why soil health is so important

Good soil does more than grow good coffee, it captures carbon, reduces erosion, and requires less synthetic fertilizer. As a large part of greenhouse gas emission on farms comes from fertilizers, NESCAFÉ® is helping optimize fertilizer use by providing training to farmers. From Vietnam to Mexico, Brazil and Indonesia, NESCAFÉ®'s field programs have helped to improve farming methods, resulting in farms using the optimum combinations of synthetic and organic fertilizers, and reducing the use of agrichemicals. Simply put, healthy soil helps to grow a more sustainable coffee.
good soil to grow good coffee


To help Nestlé reach net zero by 2050, it’s not only about making some big changes, it’s also about making lots of small ones. To start, all NESCAFÉ® factories aim to use 100% renewable electricity by 2025. We are also working to help create circular systems that will make it easier to collect, recycle and reuse packaging. NESCAFÉ® also aims to grow its fleet of electric, biofuel, hybrid, or plug-in hybrid vehicles. And for consumers, NESCAFÉ® encourages better preparation methods and recycling tips like boiling water at 80°C instead of 100°C and only filling the kettle with the water you need. Step by step, we are on a path to keep reducing our greenhouse gas emissions.
NESCAFÉ® factories

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