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5 Types of Coffee Lovers. Which one are you?

5 Types of Coffee Lovers. Which one are you?

4 min
Coffee is indeed a universal language that is found everywhere. However, even so, the preferences of coffee lovers are also different; some are traditional coffee lovers, some enjoy espresso-based coffee, some prefer blended coffee or even modern coffee, and some prefer ready-to-drink coffees that are practical and easy to carry. Let's read further to find out which group of coffee lovers you are!

Traditional Coffee Lovers


Several places in Indonesia have their own culture and tradition of drinking coffee, which is served in a traditional way. For example, talua coffee, which comes from West Sumatra, is a coffee dish mixed with eggs and sweetened condensed milk, or joss coffee from Yogyakarta, which is coffee mixed with hot charcoal, or there is also sanger coffee which comes from Aceh. With a unique taste and different flavors, many people still enjoy this traditional coffee!


Of the various traditional coffees available, one of the most well-known and universal ways of serving traditional coffee is brewed coffee, namely by brewing coffee grounds with hot water and enjoying it by waiting for the coffee grounds to settle to the bottom of the cup. Not only can it be found in coffee shops, but this traditional coffee drink can also be made at home, of course, by knowing the recipes and tips on how to make it!



Espresso-Based Coffee Lovers


Unlike traditional coffee lovers, espresso-based coffee lovers are a little more modern because making the espresso requires a special coffee machine. Some coffee drinks made from espresso are cappuccino, latte, and macchiato. Usually, drinks made from espresso are enjoyed hot with a little added sugar as desired. Not infrequently, espresso-based coffee lovers have a great interest in the world of coffee; therefore, many espresso-based coffee lovers become baristas because of their love for the world of coffee.




Blended Coffee Lovers


Who has tried blended coffee? This blended coffee or frappuccino is also now in great demand. Usually, this blended coffee is served with a coffee taste that is not too strong and has a slightly sweet taste.



Contemporary Coffee Lovers


With the development and increase in the number of coffee-drinking culture enthusiasts, nowadays you can also find various contemporary coffee dishes, such as dalgona, iced coffee with palm sugar milk, and even various combinations of coffee and fruit that create unique flavors in the drink. Usually, young people are the ones who are lovers of contemporary coffee. Because it is light, this contemporary coffee is also a perfect drink to accompany you when hanging out with friends..



Ready to Drink Coffee Lovers


There are also many ready-to-drink coffee lovers. This ready-to-drink coffee is not only practical but also easy to carry and offers a taste that is no less delicious than other coffee drinks. One of the favorite ready-to-drink coffees is the NESCAFÉ Can. This ready-to-drink coffee from NESCAFÉ Can come in various flavors; the original, latte and also caramel macchiato, which is the right choice to stock in the office pantry at home, or to take with you when traveling.


So, those are the 5 types of coffee lovers that exist in the world. Of the various types of coffee lovers, which one are you? Lovers of traditional, contemporary or ready-to-drink coffee?


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