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Get Bored Easily? Let's follow this method to be able to focus on studying while at home

Get bored easily? Let's follow this method to be able to focus on studying while at home

4 min

In this new normal era, many people have to adapt to the circumstances, including those of you who are still in school or college. If previously you could meet friends, teachers and lecturers in person, now learning has to be done completely online.

These changes have different meanings for each individual. Some accept this change and are willing to change their usual learning methods. However, some of us still have difficulty focusing on studying during this study from home period.

Are you one of them? If so, don't worry; we have several methods to help you focus more while studying at home! Just take a look at the following tips!

SMART Goal Technique


Being swamped with school or college assignments can make someone panic and unfocused. One technique you can use to focus on learning is the SMART technique (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timely).


One technique you can use to focus on learning is the SMART technique (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely). Here is the explanation!


  • • Specific - Make sure you know the details of the task given. You can ask the teacher or lecturer about the assignment, what must be done, and how to do it. This can help make the instructions for each assignment much clearer!


  • • Measurable - Know the indicators of success when you study. For example, how many pages do you have to read, memorize, and understand in a book, or how many questions do you have to answer? This method of focusing on studying makes book-reading sessions more structured.


  • • Achievable -Check again: do you have the ability to complete a job? If you don't understand something, you can video call a classmate to teach you. Then, if a school project requires certain items, make sure to get them first.


  • • Relevant - Is what you learn relevant to the syllabus or material provided by the lecturer or teacher? Make sure you use your time appropriately when studying.


  • • Timely - A goal should be achieved realistically. This means you must ensure the task can be completed within the deadline. Start work long before the deadline so you won't be late, okay?



Pomodoro Technique


Break or pauses are the key to successful learning at home. Without a break, you can quickly get fed up with studying and instead start to lose focus. So, how much time off does someone need? Of course, it varies. But we recommend you follow the Pomodoro. technique.


The method to focus on studying with this technique is to set an alarm that will go off after 25 minutes. Once the alarm rings, make sure to rest for 5 minutes. During breaks, don't touch your work at all. Do something else to shift your focus. After the break is over, you can continue working for another 25 minutes.


Repeat this method up to 4 more times. When you enter the fourth break, you can rest longer, around 20 or 30 minutes. Easy, right?



Eisenhower's Method


The nickname for this method of focusing on learning is taken from the name of the President of the United States, Dwight D. Eisenhower. At a conference, he said that his work was broadly divided into two categories, namely important (important) and urgent (urgent). This simple principle was inspiring enough to give birth to the Eisenhower’s Method time management technique.


However, different from President Eisenhower's explanation, you need to divide your work into 4 categories. From there, you can set your priority scale. Here is the order!


  • • Important and Urgent

Work or activities that are important and have a deadline come first, so they must be done first.


  • • Important but Not Urgent

Even though it's not urgent, you still need to prioritize this type of activity or work. Because if you ignore it, you won't be able to be aware of the problems that might come. Try to complete this task first, okay?


  • • Not Important but Urgent

All school or college assignments are considered important and cannot possibly be included in this category. What is meant by activities or work that are not important but urgent, for example, are interruptions from friends or family members. So, try to negotiate with them so you can do what they ask of you another time.


  • • Not Important and Not Urgent

When you focus on learning the Eisenhower’s Method, you need to avoid this type of activity. This activity can steal your time from doing other tasks. Examples of these activities are playing online games with friends or watching films on film streaming services with friends.


Those are the methods you can try to focus on studying at home. But before you continue studying, don't forget to eat and drink so the learning process runs smoothly!


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