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Still Productive Even at Home? Check out the following tips!

Still Productive Even at Home? Yes, You Can! Let's Follow These Tips!

4 min

In unpredictable times like in 2020, everyone must be able to adapt quickly. Such as shifting their work and study activities from public places to private homes. Fortunately, with the technology available today, this is very possible to do.

However, that's not the only problem that most people face. Moving places also require them to adapt to maintain productivity.

They will also look for new habits to boost their spirits, such as morning exercise. Some of them will probably start learning about the benefits of drinking coffee.

If you haven't found a way to increase your productivity while working at home, let's look at the following recommendations!

Sunbathing in the Middle of the Day


After doing activities in the morning, do you feel weak? If yes, you may need to soak up the sun. It is important for you to know that sunlight can trigger the production of vitamin D and serotonin in your body. Serotonin is a hormone that can keep your mood stable and avoid the risk of anxiety and depression.


You can sunbathe from 10 pm to 3 pm. The reason is that the time window of 10 pm to 3 pm allows your body to get the optimal benefits of sunlight. Remember, the duration should be only 5-10 minutes.



Drinking coffee


One example of coffee you can choose is NESCAFÉ Classic coffee made from 100% pure robusta, which is processed using a specific drying method to make the coffee powder easily dissolve in water!



Prepare a Workplace or Study


When you are at school, on campus, or in the office, do you feel enthusiastic about doing your assignments? If you're not like that at home, it could be that the place you study or work doesn't trigger productivity.


So, try as much as possible to separate the bedroom or lounge area from the place for work or study. You don't need to buy an expensive table or chair! What is clear is that you should choose one suitable and comfortable room to spend your time in during work and study hours!



Get Enough Rest


Burnout or physical and mental fatigue can happen if someone continues to work for very long hours without taking enough time to relax and rest in between. If this happens, you may feel like your mood is down and it will be difficult for you to be as productive as before


But, burnout doesn't mean it can't be avoided! With enough exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate rest, your body will be more comfortable. You can also do meditation and breathing exercises or just relax on the couch to rest your body. In short, don't force your body and mind!



Prepare a Regular Schedule


Maintaining productivity cannot be done instantly; you need time to improve your daily performance. The next strategy that can help you with this is to prepare and follow a regular schedule. For example, work only from 8 to 5 pm daily and avoid working beyond that time frame.


These regular work hours will not only help you to avoid burnout, but also help instill the mindset that all tasks must be completed during these hours.


So, those are some steps to stay productive while studying or working at home. In conclusion, even though circumstances require us to adapt, even small lifestyle changes can help maintain our productivity!


However, if the methods above have not been able to help you, don't hesitate to ask for help from experts or share your concerns with your closest friends. Hopefully, this information will be helpful for you.



You can still be productive even at home

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