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canned coffee

3 New Flavors of NESCAFÉ Canned Coffee: Feels Like Drinking Coffee at a Cafe!

3 min

Enjoying coffee has become a lifestyle that is emerging everywhere, including in Indonesia. This new lifestyle was followed by improvements in the way many people enjoy it. There are various ways to enjoy coffee, be it by grinding coffee beans, simply brewing practical ground coffee, enjoying coffee in a cafe, or enjoying fresh canned coffee.

Everyone has their own choice of how to enjoy coffee. Sometimes, we want to enjoy coffee practically. A practical way to enjoy coffee is to enjoy canned coffee. This canned coffee minimizes the process of making coffee, so we can enjoy it straight away.

Speaking of canned coffee, NESCAFÉ has three new flavors of NESCAFÉ canned coffee that you must try. Does anyone know the various variants of NESCAFÉ canned coffee that you can enjoy? Let's discuss further!

The new variants of NESCAFÉ Canned coffee


For you coffee lovers, you must have heard of the new variants of NESCAFÉ canned coffee, right? NESCAFÉ canned coffee comes in three new variants, namely:


  • • Cappuccino
  • • Caramel Macchiato
  • • Latte


These three new variants of NESCAFÉ canned coffee have different flavors and characteristics! NESCAFÉ Cappuccino canned coffee has a cafe-style Cappuccino taste, while the Caramel Macchiato variant has a rather sweet taste. On the other hand, the Latte variant has a softer and creamytexture, a perfect choice for those of you who like coffee with milk.


Also Read: 8 Choices of Packaged Coffee from NESCAFÉ to Uplift Your Day



The most enjoyable way to enjoy NESCAFÉ canned coffee


NESCAFÉ canned coffee is a practical coffee drink option that you can enjoy at any time. The most enjoyable way to enjoy NESCAFÉ canned coffee is when it is cold, which provides a refreshing sensation. If you want, you can also pour NESCAFÉ canned coffee into a glass and add ice cubes to enrich the sensation of drinking coffee in a cafe.



NESCAFÉ canned coffee for traveling


If you take it with you while traveling, usually you wouldn't have much time to brew coffee because it requires sufficient equipment. So, for traveling, usually sipping canned coffee is the right choice. For traveling, you can store this NESCAFÉ canned coffee in a cooler filled with ice cubes to keep it cold, so you can enjoy it at the best temperature during the trip.



Why you should try NESCAFÉ canned coffee?


For you coffee lovers, NESCAFÉ canned coffee is the right choice to enjoy coffee practically. Apart from that, NESCAFÉ canned coffee is also made with a cafe-style taste with a variety of flavor choices to suit your preferences, starting with the cafe-style Cappuccino taste, to the sweet and creamy taste that you can get with various flavors of NESCAFÉ canned coffee.


Apart from being practical, NESCAFÉ canned coffee is also easy to find anywhere, it can be stored for daily needs at home, or in the office, or it can also be the right choice to take with you when traveling.



Where can you find NESCAFÉ canned coffee?


NESCAFÉ canned coffee is available in various minimarkets, supermarkets, and other stores. For those of you who want to try NESCAFÉ canned coffee, you can try visiting the nearest minimarket or supermarket! Usually, NESCAFÉ canned coffee is stored in the refrigerator, so you can enjoy it straight away while it's cold!


So, are you more interested in trying NESCAFÉ kopi kaleng? Now? Let's try the newest variant of NESCAFÉ canned coffee which is made from quality robusta coffee.


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