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cafe style drinks

Let's Try Modern Cafe-style Drinks at Home! Here is the Recipe!

3 min

Contemporary cafe-style drinks always manage to capture attention. Apart from the ambiance, it's the cafe-style drink recipes that draw us back to these places. Among the myriad of trendy cafe-style beverages, there are actually a few drinks that we can recreate at home. Especially in this era of WFH, where we spend more time at home, making cafe-style drinks can add a boost of energy and enhance the mood during our daily activities.

For those who want to try modern cafe-style drinks, let's check out the following recipes!

Dalgona Recipe


Dalgona coffee has become a viral coffee drink in recent times. Not only served in coffee shops, you can make this modern cafe-style drink yourself at home. Here's the recipe:


- Ingredients:


  • • 2 tbsp NESCAFÉ Classic
  • • 2 tbsp hot water
  • • 2 tbsp white sugar
  • • 125 ml liquid milk
  • • 1 glass of ice cubes


- How to make:


  1. Put NESCAFÉ Classic, sugar, and hot water into a small bowl and stir quickly until foam forms.
  2. Pour liquid milk into a glass, then add enough ice cubes.
  3. Pour the coffee foam into the glass of milk and serve.


Modern Iced Milk Coffee Recipe


If Dalgona has a slightly bitter taste, here is a recipe for palm sugar milk iced coffee, a contemporary cafe-style drink with a slightly sweet taste. Besides being served in a glass, the modern iced milk coffee can also inspire you to make 1 liter of coffee that you can stock at home. Here's how to make Modern Iced Milk Coffee:


- Ingredients:


  • • 1 tbsp NESCAFÉ Classic
  • • 150 ml boiling water
  • • 2 tablespoons palm sugar
  • • 50 gr water
  • • 100 ml UHT milk/fresh milk
  • Creamer/evaporated milk to taste
  • • Enough ice cubes


- How to make:


  1. Brew coffee with boiling water, then add palm sugar and stir evenly.
  2. Add milk, creamer/evaporated milk and ice cubes.
  3. Serve.


Iced Coffee Soda Recipe


For those of you who want to experiment with making cafe-style drinks, you can try the following Iced Coffee Soda recipe:


- Ingredients:


  • • 1 sachet of NESCAFÉ Classic
  • • 100 ml soda
  • • 3-5 tablespoons palm sugar syrup
  • • 50 ml hot water
  • • Enough ice cubes


- How to make:


  1. Brew coffee with hot water, then mix in palm sugar syrup.
  2. Add the soda and stir evenly once the temperature is not too hot.
  3. Serve with ice cubes.


Caramel Milk Coffee Recipe


Who often orders caramel coffee or caramel milk coffee when hanging out at a cafe? Let's try making it yourself at home, here's the recipe!


- Ingredients:


  • • 1 tsp NESCAFÉ Classic
  • • 1 tsp Nestlé Coffee Mate
  • • 120 ml warm milk
  • • 15 ml caramel syrup
  • • 2 pcs marshmallow


- How to make:


  1. Add NESCAFÉ Classic, Nestlé Coffee Mate, milk, and caramel syrup into a cup, then stir until dissolved.
  2. Add marshmallow on top.
  3. Serve


So, those are some cafe-style drink recipes you can try at home. Besides the various modern cafe-style drink recipes above, you can also enjoy a convenient canned coffee that can be enjoyed at any time, such as the NESCAFÉ Can, which comes in various flavors that have the taste of cafe-style drinks with Cappuccino, Latte, and Caramel Macchiato flavors.


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