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What is Single Origin Coffee? Let's, find out

What is Single Origin Coffee? Let's, find out!

4 min

Drinking coffee is not just about the type of drink and how it is made. Recently, coffee lovers have become increasingly curious about the origins of a coffee product and what makes it special.

“Single origin” and “house blend” are menu options often found in cafes. House blend is a combination of coffees used to get a balanced taste, for example, mixing Mandailing coffee with Flores robusta. Whereas single-origin is coffee made from the same type of coffee.

It's not surprising that cafes and coffee producers are taking this seriously and starting to introduce single-origin coffee to their customers. But, what exactly is single-origin coffee? To find out more, let's check out the following explanation!

Understanding Single Origin Coffee and the Difference from Coffee Blend


Before discussing single-origin coffee, you need to know that coffee products are broadly divided into two types: blend and single-origin. As the name suggests, coffee blend products are made by mixing various types of coffee beans. The main goal is to produce a body and a specific flavor profile in the final coffee product.


The main goal is to produce a body and a specific flavor profile in the final coffee product. Single-origin coffee is coffee that comes from one source, namely coffee of the same type, which comes from the same area, the same region, or even the same plant. In short, single-origin coffee is truly the original coffee from the taste of a certain type of single-origin coffee which is not mixed with other coffees.



Single Origin comes from the Third Wave Coffee


At the beginning of the article, you already have an idea of why single origin is offered to coffee lovers. But did you know that coffee-drinking culture is divided into three waves? Well, the popularity of single-origin coffee was born as the third wave progressed.


Maybe you have heard before that the world of coffee has entered the third era, namely where people not only want to enjoy a cup of coffee but also want to gain in-depth knowledge about coffee. In this era, knowledge about the origin of coffee is increasingly spreading, which gave birth to and growth of this single-origin coffee. Usually, the types of coffee that we know about are only Arabica and Robusta, but for deeper knowledge, people usually also want to try single-origin coffee.



The taste of single-origin coffee is always consistent


Not only that but because it is only taken from one source, the coffee beans will also have a consistent taste in each package. The reason is, that the taste of coffee is obtained from various factors, such as the quality of the soil and also the way the coffee plant is grown. With the method and origin always being the same, of course, coffee lovers don't need to worry about their coffee tasting different from before.



Single Origin Coffee Type


Indonesia, as a producer of several single-origin coffees, also has coffee with special characteristics and local flavors. The types of single-origin coffee from Indonesia are Malabar from Bandung, Gayo coffee from Aceh, Toraja coffee from South Sulawesi, and Mandailing coffee from North Sumatra.


Gayo coffee is a type of single-origin coffee that is already popular in Indonesia. Gayo coffee is famous for its thickness and low acidity level. The sour taste of Gayo coffee can even be smelled from the aroma. Apart from that, several baristas also feel the sensation of fruit such as pineapple and lychee in Gayo coffee.


The second type of single-origin coffee is Malabar coffee from Bandung. This single-origin coffee originating from West Java is famous for its balanced and nice taste with low acidity and a sweet aroma.


Talking about coffee wouldn't be complete if you have not tasted this coffee from South Sulawesi. This world-famous Toraja coffee has a thick body and low acidity level. In terms of aroma, this Toraja single-origin coffee is similar to tea with a slight touch of tamarind and a very slight touch of chocolate.


Then, there is also the single-origin Kintamani coffee type which comes from Bali. Well, this type of single-origin coffee is famous for its high level of acidity, not thick, with a slightly bitter taste. But, uniquely, Kintamani coffee can provide a touch of other interesting flavors, such as orange and nuts.


Lastly, Mandailing coffee. This type of single-origin coffee grows in volcanic mountain areas which makes Mandailing coffee one of the types of coffee with high quality. Just like other types of single-origin coffee, Mandailing coffee has a low acidity level and a fruity, spicy, and floral aroma.



Apa Sih, Kopi Single Origin Itu Yuk, Cari Tau! Rev



How to Choose Single-Origin Coffee


For those of you who want to try single-origin coffee, here are some things you need to pay attention to:


  • • Type and place of origin  
  • • The degree of roasting  
  • • The coffee-fruit processing process  
  • • Roasting date  


So, that's an explanation of single-origin coffee types. For you coffee lovers who like consistent taste, single-origin coffee is perfect for you!


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