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Must-Try Indonesian Black Coffee Varieties

Indonesian Black Coffee Varieties You Must Try While Traveling

4 min

Traveling would be more exciting if you add culinary exploration into your agenda, as each region certainly has its own special dishes. Besides trying out the food, make sure to explore the drinks as well. If you are a coffee enthusiast, traveling can also be a good time to hunt for unique or new types of coffee.

You don't have to go far to savor delicious black coffee, because Indonesia offers a variety of coffee beans and unique ways of serving them. You can taste unique varieties of black coffee from Sabang to Merauke. Especially for you, here is a list of unique black coffees that you can enjoy while exploring cities in Indonesia.

Tubruk Coffee around Java and Bali


Brewing is the most popular method for enjoying black coffee in Indonesia. You can find brewed coffee in almost every region of Indonesia. However, coffee serving in Java and Bali, such as in Solo, has its own unique characteristics. Don't be surprised when you order a cup of kopi tubruk and find it served in an inverted glass.


Read Also: 5 Benefits of Black Coffee Without Sugar that You Need to Know



Kopi Jos in Yogyakarta


Visiting an angkringan and enjoying jos coffee are almost mandatory when traveling to Yogyakarta. This strong black coffee is indeed unique and has a distinct flavor. A piece of burning charcoal is dunked into the glass, intensifying the coffee's richness and adding a slightly bitter touch. It is also made with different type of ground coffee, usually sourced from the highlands of the Klaten region.



Kopi Kawa in Padang


The island of Sumatra is a renowned producer of coffee beans with an international reputation. So, it's not surprising if you travel to various regions in Sumatra and come across a delightful cup of black coffee. For a unique coffee experience, try the distinctive Kawa coffee from Padang. Unlike traditional coffee made from beans, this black coffee is crafted from smoked leaves and stems, pounded and brewed. Kawa coffee is a perfect choice for those who prefer a lighter coffee flavor.



Kopi Rarobang in Ambon


While enjoying the beauty of Ambon city, don't forget to savor Rarobang coffee, easily found in local coffee shops. This distinctive black coffee from Ambon boasts a strong Indonesian spice flavor. As you may know, coffee can be mixed with various ingredients besides milk. Rarobang coffee, for instance, incorporates at least three types of spices, one of which is cloves. Additionally, when brewing Rarobang coffee, Ambon's signature walnuts are also added to enhance the experience.



Kopi Durian in North and South Sumatra


Back to Sumatra, apart from being a coffee producer, this island is also popular for its durian. You might have heard of tempoyak sambal made from durian. But not only sambal, people in North and South Sumatra also love durian coffee. The robust flavor of durian surprisingly complements and enhances the rich distinctive taste of bitter black coffee. So, don't forget to give the unique durian coffee from North and South Sumatra a try!



Kopi Takar in Mandailing Natal


Here's another unique local coffee from the island of Sumatra, specifically in the Mandailing Natal area. For coffee enthusiasts, the distinctive Arabica coffee from this region is known for its low acidity and floral aroma. Well, besides the renowned coffee beans, Mandailing Natal has a unique way of serving coffee. While serving black coffee in cups or glass is common, Mandailing Natal's Takar coffee is presented in coconut shells and stirred with cinnamon sticks. Quite unique, isn't it? In the past, Takar coffee served as both a body warmer and an energy booster.



Kopi Saring in Aceh


Still in Sumatra, Aceh also offers a one-of-a-kind coffee drink, which is brewed using the filtration method. This technique can be found in other countries as well, such as Malaysia or Singapore where Malay culture prevails. You can easily find Kopi Saring in roadside stalls around Aceh. Coffee culture is deeply ingrained in Aceh's society, so if you want an authentic experience, take some time to enjoy coffee at a local coffee shop while traveling.



Kopi Talua in Bukittinggi


Another item in your bucket list of Indonesian unique black coffee drinks is Kopi Talua. Hailing from West Sumatra, this coffee concoction boasts an unusual blend. While black coffee is typically mixed with milk, Kopi Talua takes a different approach by incorporating egg yolk. Don't worry, the addition of egg yolk doesn't impart a gamey aroma of egg, because this signature Bukittinggi twist to black coffee includes a sprinkle of cinnamon powder. To enhance the flavor, Kopi Talua is also expertly crafted with sweetened condensed milk.


In addition to these unique coffee offerings, you can explore various single-origin black coffees native to Indonesia, such as Aceh Gayo Arabica, Lampung Robusta, or Riau Liberika. For your travel companion, consider bringing NESCAFÉ Classic, an instant black coffee without grounds made from 100% Robusta beans that easily dissolves in both hot and cold water.


Savor NESCAFÉ Classic while traveling and indulge in its rich aroma and robust flavor throughout your journey!

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