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5 Benefits of Black Coffee Without Sugar that You Need to Know

5 Benefits of Black Coffee Without Sugar that You Need to Know

4 min

Data from the International Coffee Organization (2016) states that coffee is the most widely consumed drink in the world. Recently, coffee has become one of the most popular drinks. It even becomes part of a lifestyle.

Not only is it popular, but coffee is also very easy to mix with various delicious drinks. You can make your own creations using ingredients such as milk, honey, caramel, and even ice cream, to make the drink sweet and memorable.

However, drinking coffee without sugar is also okay, you know. Of course, it won't taste sweet. But it turns out there are various benefits of not adding sugar to black coffee that you can feel immediately and in the long term!

Help You Maintain Your Weight


Avoiding sugar in coffee also means reducing daily calorie intake. This is very useful, especially for those who are trying to lose or maintain weight but are used to drinking coffee to stay awake while working in the office. Two to three spoonfuls of sugar provide 120 calories for your body. By getting used to not using sugar when making coffee, you can reduce your daily calorie intake so you don't accumulate a lot of fat in the body.



Helps keep you away from diabetes


As we know, diabetes is a chronic disease characterized by high blood sugar levels in the body. If not controlled, diabetes can cause various complications from other diseases. If you need to control your blood sugar in a disciplined manner with a healthy diet. One way that can be done, of course, is to control your daily calorie intake. Drinking coffee without sugar helps you reduce your daily calorie intake.


Also Read: Powerful! 3 Benefits of Drinking Black Coffee While Working



Makes you Save More Money


There's nothing wrong with buying milk coffee every once in a while. However, if you are trying to save money, you can reduce expenses by drinking black coffee without sugar. First, you don't need to buy sugar or milk to make your coffee sweet. Other than that, pure black coffee that doesn't use sugar tends to be more affordable than other coffee menus.



It Doesn't Take Much Time to Make


Enjoying bitter black coffee can make you directly feel the taste of coffee, which is not masked by the sweetness of milk or sugar. This way, you can better appreciate the authentic taste that coffee has! So, those are some of the benefits of black coffee without sugar for you.



The taste of Coffee Becomes More Pronounced


Menikmati kopi hitam yang pahit bisa bikin kamu merasakan langsung cita rasa kopi yang nggak tersembunyi di balik manisnya susu atau gula. Dengan begini, kamu jadi bisa lebih mengapresiasi rasa autentik yang dimiliki kopi gitu, deh! Nah, itulah tadi beberapa manfaat kopi hitam tanpa gula buat kamu.


In conclusion, even though it doesn't taste sweet, you can try to get used to drinking black coffee without sugar because of the benefits you can feel in your body and also for your daily life. Black coffee without sugar is a good drink choice to help maintain health and to keep it simple.


But if you're still not used to drinking coffee without sugar and can't stand the bitter taste, there is a way to still taste the sweet taste. You can try adding natural sweeteners to your favorite coffee. If you have honey at home, try mixing coffee with this natural sweetener. Honey is a favorite natural sweetener, apart from its unique taste, another reason is because it is easy to get. To make your coffee taste more delicious, make sure to choose honey that is 100% raw, okay!


Another sweetener option that you can switch to is pure coconut sugar. Even though the shape is similar, the glycemic index is lower. Pure coconut sugar is made through a natural process, so it still contains nutrients such as minerals, zinc, calcium and potassium.


Drinking coffee without sugar tends to be better because the calorie content is lower. Compared to the calories of black coffee without sugar, there are 2 calories in every 240 ml of coffee. Meanwhile, the average calorie content of coffee mixed with sugar and milk is 38 calories.


Minum kopi tanpa gula memang cenderung lebih baik karena kadar kalorinya yang lebih rendah. Jika dibandingkan kalori kopi hitam tanpa gula di mana ada 2 kalori di tiap 240 ml kopi. Sedangkan kalori kopi yang dicampur gula dan susu rata-rata punya 38 kalori.


So, can you imagine how many calories you get when you consume black coffee without sugar


Besides adding sweetener to coffee, you can also try this method. The way to do it is by enjoying your black coffee without sugar every day by drinking black coffee with your favorite snacks. Try coffee pairings that are popular in Indonesia, such as fried bananas.


The sweet taste of fried bananas can help reduce the bitter taste of coffee. Besides fried bananas, try other coffee pairings, for example croissant or biscuits.


Drinking coffee with these snacks will also make the process of making your coffee faster and easier. You can save time by making black coffee without sugar, which is much more practical.


The most important tip is to always grind the coffee beans before brewing them and make sure the proportion to water is adjusted to the equipment used!


If you want something even more practical, you can enjoy your black coffee without sugar every day NESCAFÉ Classic from NESTLÉ.


Besides being easily dissolved in water and not taking long to serve, this instant coffee comes from 100% quality Robusta coffee grown on plantations in Lampung Province, Indonesia. Interesting, right?

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