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Americano Black Coffee and Espresso, What's the Difference?

Americano and Espresso, What's the Difference?

4 min

From its name, it's clear that this black coffee variant comes from America, right? Yup! This beverage is very familiar to coffee lovers, and it can be served hot, but also delicious when served with ice. Let's get to know American black coffee better!

A Brief Explanation About Americano


You must already be familiar with espresso coffee, right? Yes, coffee made by brewing with high pressure and temperature to produce a thick coffee extract. Well, simply put, Americano is espresso with added hot water. In terms of taste, Americano is certainly lighter than espresso.


According to the story, Americano was first introduced by American soldiers who came to Italy. At that time, espresso coffee seemed unfamiliar and too bitter for them. Therefore, to make it more palatable, the soldiers added water to their espresso coffee. Long story short, Americano became a worldwide beverage, not just in America.



Crema in Americano


One of the indicators of espresso quality is its crema, the golden foam layer on top. Now, because American coffee is made by pouring hot water after the espresso, there is no longer any crema in American coffee, even when served hot.



Other Versions of Americano


Speaking of crema, there is also a black coffee that looks similar to Americano but has a lot of crema, namely long black coffee. Long black coffee is famous in Australia and New Zealand.


Americano and long black coffee have the same content but different serving techniques. In making Americano, espresso is poured first, then hot water, while Long Black is the opposite, pouring hot water first, then espresso. This difference in technique is what makes Long Black still have crema. As for the taste, they are generally the same.



Techniques for Preparing An Americano


There are several common techniques for making American coffee besides using an espresso machine. The first method is the filter method, which involves placing coffee powder on filter paper in a coffee pot funnel, then pouring hot water over it. Second, making American coffee using the french press technique.


This second technique is usually used for daily use, by putting coffee powder into a french press then adding hot water and pressing it with the french press lid. Finally, it can also be made using the Turkish coffee method, also known as the Arab method.



The Best Things About Americano


For those of you who don't like coffee that's too bitter, too strong, or too acidic, Americano is a safe option. In addition to being lighter, Americano can also be enjoyed cold, you just need to add ice cubes.



How to Prepare Iced Americano


With NESCAFÉ Classic, you can easily make iced Americano at home. Here's how:




  • • 2 tsp NESCAFÉ Classic
  • • 1 tsp sugar (optional)
  • • 15 ml hot water
  • • 175 ml cold water
  • • Ice cubes


How to make:


  • • Mix NESCAFÉ Classic, sugar, and hot water into a glass, then stir well.
  • • Add ice cubes and cold water.
  • • Serve


If you want a hot Americano, just brew it with hot water! Easy, right? Let's try making your own Iced Americano at home!

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