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Deliciously sweet, nutty and chocolatey. This creamy coffee drink is an espresso-based beverage that has been known to cause some confusion when compared to other coffees. So, what is a mocha, and where is it really from?

mocha coffee

What is a mocha coffee?

Although a mocha is often interpreted differently across the world, the basis is that a shot of espresso is combined with chocolate powder or syrup, followed by milk or cream. It is a variant of a latte, in the sense that it is often 1/3 espresso and 2/3 steamed milk. However, a chocolate flavour is added, and this can be milk or dark.

mocha coffee drink

What does mocha mean?

Essentially, 'mocha' means a type of coffee that is made from a specific coffee bean originally only grown in Mocha, Yemen. It also means a mixture of coffee and chocolate, or a flavouring that tastes of this.

mocha coffee drink

Mocha is known to taste like a chocolatey coffee. The espresso shot offers an almost bitter taste and the chocolate adds a sweetness to create a velvety smooth, luxurious combination.

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Mocha origin – where did it come from?

Now we understand what a mocha is, where exactly did it come from? It is believed that the drink was originally named after the mocha bean, which is a type of coffee bean shipped from the port of Al Mokka in Yemen. Mocha beans were known for their naturally chocolatey flavour. These days, the name mocha doesn’t reference these coffee beans as such, but rather the presence of added chocolate flavourings in the coffee drink.

mocha coffee drink

What is a white mocha?

A white mocha is a mixture of espresso coffee, white chocolate and milk. More often than not, white mochas are made with syrup to add more of that white chocolatey flavour to the drink. White mochas are often served long, as it contains a large amount of steamed milk.

mocha coffee drink

Cappuccino vs mocha – what’s the difference?

For starters, the cappuccino hails from Italy and the mocha originates in Yemen. Interestingly, they’re both espresso-based drinks, but the mocha contains chocolate flavouring and the cappuccino is topped with a milk foam to form a frothy coffee beverage – sometimes with a dusting of chocolate on top too.

The mocha is the perfect treat for coffee and chocolate lovers alike. Try NESCAFÉ GOLD Double Choc Mocha and fall in love with its velvety texture and creamy taste.

mocha coffee drink

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