Coffee was first introduced to Vietnam in 1857 by French colonists, leading to a vast amount of land being quickly converted into coffee plantations. By 1890, Vietnam was at the heart of a booming coffee industry.
However, due to dairy limitations, it was soon made obvious that substitutes would have to be introduced. That’s why adding sweetened condensed milk to dark roast coffee quickly became a Vietnamese coffee tradition.
By 1950, a commercial plant was erected and Vietnam became serious about making coffee. Although other countries in Southeast Asia, such as Laos and Cambodia, were perhaps earlier to the coffee trade, it’s Vietnam that has gone on to become Asia’s top coffee producer.
Unfortunately, after the Vietnam War, the country’s economy seriously suffered. After years of struggling and striving for normality, and with the country focussing on agricultural restructurings, by the 90s, Vietnam’s coffee industry was booming yet again. Its coffee industry continues to thrive and today, Vietnam’s coffee production employs over 2.5 million people.
If the history of Vietnamese coffee fascinates you, why not explore the general history of coffee?
Fancy your coffee cold? Just pour your coffee over ice to create a Vietnamese iced coffee!
You won’t find your typical coffee types in Vietnam. The most common type of coffee in Vietnam is drip coffee. However, there are lots of other imaginative Vietnamese coffee types:
The famous drip coffee. This is a traditional, dark, strongly brewed coffee, often drunk in the morning. Fresh milk is still not a common ingredient found in traditional coffee shops, so sweetened condensed milk is still served. While it is mostly served cold with ice as Vietnamese iced coffee, you can also order it hot.
Like coffee, yoghurt was originally brought to Vietnam by the French. The bottom of the glass is filled with crushed ice, followed by lots of freshly-made yogurt that has been lightly sweetened. Then Vietnamese coffee is poured on top. It results in an almost coffee smoothie. It’s creamy, yet tangy.
A popular choice with tourists. A small amount of strong black Vietnamese coffee is poured into the bottom of a cup (about 1/4), followed by a mix of whipped raw eggs and sugar. This creates a meringue like texture and the bitter taste of coffee is perfectly complimented by sweetness. This is typical a dessert coffee, drunk in the evening.
It’s not uncommon for rich, filtered coffee to be added to fruity smoothies. In Hanoi, a sinh to ca phe chuoi bo (coffee blended with banana or avocado) is the go-to and in Ho Chi Minh, a sinh to ca phe sapoche (coffee blended with tropical fruit sapodilla) is the fruity coffee drink of choice.
This coffee type is created from beans consumed and excreted by weasels. The weasels are fed coffee cherries, which they then digest and pass in their stool. This is then harvested, aged, and roasted.
Now you know all there is about Vietnamese coffee and its culture, discover all about Swedish coffee.